
The gallery was established to showcase the collaboration that exists between Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA) and Durham University, United Kingdom. In 2019, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed to strengthen the relationship between the two universities. A total of 30,000 pages of Malcolm MacDonald Collection documents were acquired by UniSZA from Durham University. Among the materials displayed in this gallery are documents on the constitution and laws in Malaya after independence. The existence of this gallery provides an opportunity for today's generation to see the country's historical documents as well as a reference point for historians. Efforts to obtain this document were initiated by Professor Dato Dr. Hassan Basri bin Awang Mat Dahan, Vice Chancellor of UniSZA and Professor Dr. Mohd Afandi bin Salleh, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student & Alumni Affairs). UniSZA is very fortunate to have the full support of the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia led by the former Minister of Education, Dr. Maszlee bin Malik. In this regard, the Institute for Product Research and Malay Islamic Civilization (INSPIRE), UniSZA has been mandated to carry out a digitization project and research related to the document.

Virtual Reality Manuscript Gallery

  • 1 Movement
    Move using button WASD or arrow button. The movement a little bit slow but surely move.
  • 2 View camera movement
    Hold left click mouse and move around to move the camera view.
  • 3 Play in fullscreen mode
    Click fullscreen button below for play in fullscreen mode.