
jawhar al-saniyyah fi syarh aqa'id al-'iliyyah wa ahkam al-fiqhiyyah al-mardhiyyah wa suluk tariqah al-muhammadiyyah


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Meta data

Author's name: Syeikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fathani
Number of books in the manuscript: 1
Specialization field: Fiqh Tauhid
Date of writing: Monday, 16 Jamadil Awal 1252H
Place of writing: Negeri Taif
Condition: Good
Completeness status: Incomplete
Number of pages: 400
Number of volumes: 1
Pagination style: Decorative

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. In the name of God, the Most Cheap God...


...It was completed from the revelation of this book in the country of Taif in the country of Abdullah ibn Abbas at the time of Duha and on Monday the 16th of Jamadil Awwal during the migration of the Prophet

Language: Arab and Malay
Number of words per line: 13-15
Number of lines per page: 25
Ink color: Black & Red
Script style: Nasakh
Number of bindings: 1
Cover color: White
Paper type: Laid
UniSZA number: PP05-PE3
Ownership: Abe Ase Pattani
Ownership History: Inherited by Abe Ase


Source institution: Personal Abe Hasan

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