
تنوير الصدر بقراءة ابي عمر
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This manuscript has two different copyists. The beginning of the manuscript up to half of page 214 uses a beautiful manuscript font. While the middle of page 214 to the end of the manuscript uses a poor handwriting.

Meta data

Author's name: محمد محفوظ الترمسي الجاوي
Number of books in the manuscript: 1
Specialization field: Qira'at
Date of writing: 15 Safar 1330H The author started composing on Friday 24 Muharram 1330H
Place of writing: Mecca
Copyist's name: Written by the author himself
Date of copying: 1330H
Condition: Good
Completeness status: Complete
Number of pages: 464
Number of volumes: 1
Pagination style: Decorative

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد فهذه نبذة في ذكر الأندلس وفتوح المسلمين


مولاي إسماعيل يا شمس الورى ... يا من جميع الكائنات فدى له

ما أنت إلا سيف حق منتضى ... الله من دون الخليقة سله

من لا يرى لك طاعة فالله قد ... أعماه عن طرق الهدى وأضله

إلى هنا انتهى التاريخ المسمى نزهة الحادي في أخبار أهل القرن الحادي

Language: Arab
Number of words per line: 9 - 11
Number of lines per page: 26
Ink color: Black
Script style: Nasakh
Manuscript cover type: Hard skin
Number of bindings: 1
Cover color: Black
Paper type: Mashriqi
Original number: 9/sejarah
Ownership: Endowment by Dato' Shah Bandar Seri Diraja to Sayyid Umar and Sayyid Abu Bakar and their children after that then to the seekers of knowledge in the Haram Mosque and asking to read al-fatehah from those who read this book.


Source institution: Makkah Al Mukarramah Library

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