
idhah al-albab li murid al-nikah bi al-sawab


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Meta data

Author's name: Syeikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fathani
Number of books in the manuscript: 1
Specialization field: Fiqh
Date of writing: Monday, 9 Muharram 1224H
Place of writing: Makkah al-Musyarrafah
Copyist's name: Haji Muhamad Talib bin Haji Uthman
Date of copying: Saturday, 7 Syaaban 1283H
Place of copying: Makkah al-Musyarrafah
Condition: Good
Completeness status: Complete
Number of pages: 120
Number of volumes: 1
Pagination style: Decorative

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I begin this book with the name of God...


It has been completed faqir ila Allah Taala that Khadam al-Fuqara' Haji Muhamad Talib bin Haji Uthman from the hazal copy of the book in the land of al-Musyarrafah on Saturday 7 Shaaban at the time of Duha in the hijrah of the Prophet SAW one thousand two hundred and eighty three. Alayh afdhal al-salah wa azka al-taslim 'ala alih wa sahbih ajma'in. Amen.

Language: Arab and Malay
Number of words per line: 12-13
Number of lines per page: 23
Ink color: Black & Red
Script style: Nasakh
Number of bindings: 1
Cover color: White
Paper type: Laid
UniSZA number: PP05-PE2
Ownership: Abe Ase Pattani
Ownership History: Inherited by Abe Ase


Source institution: Personal Abe Hasan

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