
jawahir al-saniyyah


This manuscript discusses the chapter of belief which consists of faith in Allah S.W.T with its attributes that are obligatory on the mukalaf to believe in Him. This manuscript also discusses the chapter on jurisprudence by explaining the worship related to a servant such as the law of taharah and obligatory practices and circumcision in worship. This manuscript ends with a clause that talks about circumcision practices when prostrating until the final takhiyat.

Meta data

Author's name: Syeikh Daud bin Abdullah Al-Fatani
Condition: Good
Number of pages: 95
Pagination style: Word
Beginning: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Ending: كاكين سفاي معهدفكن كقبلة ادافن يع سنة فد دودوق انتارا
Language: Arab and Malay
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Number of words per line: 14
Number of lines per page: 23
Ink color: Black & Red
Script style: Nasakh
Cover color: Red and blue
Original number: LMN.TR 1983 173(A)


Source institution: Muzium Negeri Terengganu
Phone number: +609-6321200
Website url: https://museum.terengganu.gov.my/

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